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BMI Calculator

Our BMI calculator is a powerful and free tool designed to help you assess your overall health and fitness levels with ease. Simply input your age, height, weight, and gender and the calculator will give you an accurate BMI reading that can help you determine where you fall in the range between underweight and overweight.

What is Body Mass Index?

Body Mass Index (BMI) is an essential measure of an individual's health. BMI, when calculated using an individual's height and weight, can determine whether an individual is underweight, normal weight, overweight, or obese. Knowing your BMI is essential in determining your overall health and setting achievable fitness goals. A high BMI is often associated with high body fat and a higher risk of health problems. Your BMI number can be classified into different categories: underweight, normal weight, overweight, or obese. By tracking your BMI over time, you can monitor your progress toward a healthy weight range and reduce your risk of developing health problems. Keep in mind that BMI is not a perfect measure of health and has its limitations, but it is a useful tool for most people.

BMI Chart

Weight (pounds)
Healthy Weight

The BMI chart lists different height measurements on the Y-axis and different weight measurements on the X-axis. The resulting data points are used to plot an individual's BMI on the chart. The chart categorizes individuals into five weight categories based on their BMI score - underweight, healthy weight, overweight, obese, and morbid. To read a BMI chart, locate your height on the Y-axis and follow the weight category column to the right of that point. Your BMI score should fall within that category. For example, if you are 5'5" tall, find the 5'4" height mark on the Y-axis and trace across to the column for your corresponding weight. Your BMI score should fall within the designated range for your weight category. Reviewing our BMI chart can provide you with a clear visualization of your weight management goals while aiding in your health and fitness journey.

How to Calculate BMI

The BMI formula is a simple mathematical equation that calculates a person's body mass by dividing their weight in kilograms by the square of their height in meters. The formula is based on the idea that a person's weight should be proportional to their height. By applying this formula, we can calculate BMI and determine whether a person is underweight, normal weight, overweight, or obese. The BMI formula is widely used by healthcare professionals and researchers as a quick and easy way to assess a person's body mass. While it has its limitations, the BMI formula remains an important tool for individuals looking to achieve their health and fitness goals.

0 = 703 × 185pounds ÷ (72 inches0kg ÷ (0 cm
BMI (English)
BMI = 703 × weight(pounds) ÷ height(inches
BMI (Metric)
BMI = weight(kilograms) ÷ height(meters

BMI Calculator for Weight Loss

Using a BMI calculator to lose weight is a smart and effective way to monitor your weight loss progress and set achievable goals. By determining your Body Mass Index score, you can learn which weight category you fall under and create a personalized weight loss plan that fits your needs. You can then set realistic calorie goals per day and track your BMI progress over time. Our convenient and easy-to-use BMI calculator is accessible from your device and it's completely free, making it an essential tool for anyone interested in achieving their health and fitness goals. Take the first step towards a healthier lifestyle, use our BMI calculator to lose weight today!

Weight Loss Calorie Calculator

If your BMI falls into the overweight or obese category, it indicates that you may need to lose weight for health reasons. The amount of weight you should aim to lose can be determined by setting a goal to bring your BMI back into the healthy range. For example, if your BMI is 27, you might set a goal to reduce it to 24.9, which is the upper limit of the healthy range. This would involve losing enough weight to reduce your BMI by 2.1 points.

After determining how much weight you need to lose, the next step is to use our weight loss calorie calculator to figure out how many calories you should consume each day to achieve this goal. The calculator uses your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE), which is the total number of calories you burn in a day. It takes into account your basal metabolic rate (the calories you burn just by being alive), plus the calories burned through physical activity. To lose weight, you need to create a calorie deficit, which means consuming fewer calories than your TDEE.

By using our daily calorie intake calculator and adjusting your caloric intake accordingly, you can effectively reach your weight loss goal in a way that's both healthy and manageable. The key is to make sure you're fueling your body with the right amount of nutrients while still maintaining a calorie deficit. Remember, losing weight is not just about eating less, but eating smart.

What is a Healthy BMI

A healthy BMI falls within a specific range for adult men and women. A BMI score ranging from 18.5 to 24.9 is considered within the healthy weight range. A BMI score below 18.5 is classified as underweight, while a score from 25 to 29.9 is considered overweight. A BMI score of 30 or above is classified as obese. However, it's important to remember that BMI is not always an accurate measure of overall health. Other factors should also be considered, such as body fat percentage, muscle mass, and bone density. Additionally, healthcare professionals may take other factors such as age, gender, and ethnicity into consideration when assessing someone's BMI score for overall health. Nonetheless, maintaining a healthy BMI can contribute to a decreased risk of certain diseases and health problems and can be a good starting point for individuals looking to establish a healthy weight range.

Body Fat Percentage vs BMI

While BMI and body fat percentage are both measures of a person's weight and overall health, they differ in how they assess body composition. BMI serves as a general measure of body fat that classifies individuals into different weight categories. BMI does not, however, take into consideration the proportion of muscle to fat in the body, and as such, cannot differentiate between fat weight and muscle weight.

Body fat percentage, on the other hand, is a measure of the proportion of fat to lean body mass in an individual's body. Body fat percentage provides a more comprehensive view of a person's body composition and can be a better indicator of overall health than a BMI score. To further assess your body composition accurately, utilize our Body Fat Percentage Calculator which enables you to calculate your body fat at home by simply measuring your height, neck, and waist size.

While BMI can serve as a useful tool to assess body weight changes, body fat percentage can provide more specific information about body composition. Both BMI and body fat percentage are important factors to consider when creating a well-rounded fitness and nutrition plan. Ultimately, utilizing both measurements can provide a more accurate picture of overall health and fitness progress.

My Body Fat
0 % = 495 / ( - * log10(0cm + 0cm - 0cm) + * log10(0cm)) - 450
Body Fat for Males
Body Fat % = 495 / (1.0324 - 0.19077 * log10(waist(cm) - neck(cm)) + 0.15456 * log10(height(cm))) - 450
Body Fat for Females
Body Fat % = 495 / (1.29579 - 0.35004 * log10(waist(cm) + hip(cm) - neck(cm)) + 0.22100 * log10(height(cm))) - 450

Difference Between BMI and BMR

BMI and BMR are two essential body assessments that provide valuable information about an individual’s overall health. BMI, or Body Mass Index, measures a person's body weight against their height to provide an estimate of the amount of body fat they carry. On the other hand, BMR, or Basal Metabolic Rate, measures the number of calories a person burns while at rest. In other words, BMR is the minimum number of calories needed to keep the body functioning while at rest. To calculate your BMR, you can use our free online BMR calculator which uses a formula that also takes into account your age, gender, weight, and height. While BMI and BMR are different measurements, they both play an essential role in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

0 = 10 × 0kg +6.25 × 0cm –5 × 0yrs
185lbs = 0kg6' 4 = 0cm
BMR for Males
BMR = 10 × weight(kg) +6.25 × height(cm) –5 × age(yrs) +5
BMR for Females
BMR = 10 × weight(kg) +6.25 × height(cm) –5 × age(yrs) -161

Limitations of BMI

For most people, BMI is a useful tool for understanding your overall health. However, it’s important to keep in mind that BMI is not a perfect measure of health, and it has its limitations. For example, it does not take into account muscle mass, which can weigh more than fat and lead to a higher BMI. This means that very muscular people may have a higher BMI, even though they are healthy and fit. Additionally, people who are very short or very tall may not get an accurate BMI reading.

Frequently Asked Questions


What should my BMI be?

The ideal BMI score falls within the range of 18.5-24.9. However, it's important to remember that BMI is not always an accurate measure of overall health as other factors should also be considered, such as body fat percentage, muscle mass, and bone density.


Why is knowing your BMI so important?

It can help you understand your overall health and whether you need to make changes to your lifestyle. For example, if your BMI is in the overweight or obese category, you may be at a higher risk of developing health problems such as diabetes, heart disease, or sleep apnea. By knowing your BMI, you can take steps to reduce your risk of these conditions by making changes to your diet and exercise routine. Another reason why BMI is important is that it can help you monitor your progress toward your weight loss goals. By tracking your BMI over time, you can see if you are making progress toward a healthy weight range. This can be especially helpful for people who are trying to lose weight because it provides concrete data to track their progress.


How is BMI calculated?

BMI, or Body Mass Index, is a quick and easy way to measure body fat based on a person's weight and height. To calculate a person's BMI score, their weight in kilograms is divided by the square of their height in meters. Mathematically expressed, the formula to calculate BMI is BMI = weight (kg) / height (m)²


How do I calculate my BMI?

There are several ways to calculate your BMI, but the easiest way is to use an online BMI calculator. Simply input your height and weight, and the calculator will provide your BMI score.


How accurate is BMI calculator?

When calculating a person's BMI score, it's important to remember that BMI calculators are just one tool to assess overall health and should be considered in tandem with other existing measurements. As BMI does not account for factors such as muscle mass and bone density, the results may not be entirely accurate in some cases. For instance, highly trained athletes and bodybuilders may be classified as “overweight” or “obese” based on their BMI score, despite having a relatively low body fat percentage. Other factors that may impact BMI calculation accuracy can include gender, race, and age, among others. Some studies have suggested that BMI may be less accurate for elderly people or those with chronic conditions. While BMI calculators may not always provide a completely accurate measure of overall health, they can still be a useful tool for initial evaluation and can help individuals set realistic health goals.


Is BMI different for men and women?

The Body Mass Index (BMI) calculation is calculated the same way for men and women, using the same equation which involves dividing the person's weight (in kilograms) by the square of their height (in meters). However, the healthy BMI range for men and women can vary slightly, depending on other factors such as age and muscle mass. For example, older adults naturally have less muscle mass than younger adults, which can affect their BMI score. Women tend to have a higher body fat percentage than men, leading to a slightly different interpretation of their BMI score. Overall, BMI serves as a general guideline to interpret if an individual has a healthy weight range, but it may not provide an accurate measure of body composition for everyone.


What BMI is considered obese?

BMI score of 30 or above is considered obese. However, it's important to note that BMI may not always be accurate, particularly for athletes or individuals with a high amount of muscle mass as muscle weighs more than fat. In some cases, these individuals may have a higher BMI score, even though they have a healthy body fat percentage.


What are the health risks of being underweight?

Being underweight can also increase the risk of several health problems, including a weakened immune system, nutrient deficiencies, and fertility issues.

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  1. CDC - About Adult BMI
  2. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute - BMI Calculator
  3. World Health Organization - Body Mass Index (BMI)
  4. Mayo Clinic - BMI Calculator
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